The Holy Quran is the last and final message of Almighty Allah (SWT) through His Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon Him), which guarantees success for mankind in this world and life hereafter. Allah Almighty has laid down all the laws of valuable knowledge, good deeds and prosperity of the whole mankind in His Book (Quran). In the present era the Muslims are politically, financially, culturally and socially reached the verge of decay and destruction only because they have turned a deaf ear to Holy Quran. The only solution to overcome the miserable plight of Muslim is to resort to the teachings of Holy Quran. It is stated in the Holy Quran
“And how will you disbelieve (now) while you are (fortunate) ones to whom the Verses of Allah are recited, and the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) is (himself) present among you? And whoever holds fast to (the Embrace of) Allah is most surely guided to the straight path.”
(Sura A’l-Imran 3, verse # 101)
To develop close affinity with Holy Quran and to understand it is the most important need of the hour. When a man starts learning or teaching the Holy Quran, the doors of spiritual satisfaction and solace start opening in his heart. Holy Quran makes the character of its reader unprecedented and exemplary.
“And indeed We have made the Qur’an easy for direction and guidance, but is there anyone who will take advice?”
(Sura Al-Qamar 54, verse # 17)
Students and teachers of the Holy Quran both have been praised many times in Ahadith (traditions) by the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon Him).
“ The Best amongst you is (he) who learns and teaches the Holy Quran.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Hadith # 4739)
It is narrated by Hazrat Abu Zar (RA) that Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) said him:
“O Abu Zar! It is better for you to learn a single verse of Holy Quran in the morning rather to pray hundreds of Rakaat (Nafal Prayer)”
(Ibn-e-Ma’ja, Volume 1, Hadith # 619)